Friday, February 10

Who Can Sense Revelation in the Wind?

And here is the first glimpse, in the pouring rain, of the home that will change us forever. Little did we know that these two rooms, those mosquito nets, that river, the dining hall, the nothingness all day, the school our kids attended and we volunteered in, the community of friends we'd make, the six of us (our family +Adir) would create unimaginable magic that forever, forever will be in our hearts.
It's a quick short soaking wet glimpse into a world unfolding before our eyes.

"Who can sense revelation in the wind?" (Princess Bride)

One of the huge advantages of slow travel is that we get to experience the blesing of living with, among, and as part of the locals. And here, we are entering this amazing world of Quichwa Natives who will change us forever.


Now you are in Ecuador? I will try to find out more about your current location on your blog.
Welcome to my adopted home! Will you ever visit Cuenca?

It was just announced that Whitney Houston has died age 48. I felt really sad - then came to see this - and it just served to prove, money and fame do not neccesarily bring happiness. I watched you check out two rooms, with mosquito nets - and the fun and excitement was clear in you, and the children!! You teach so much without even trying. Stay healthy and happy.
Wendy xox

Wendy Dearest,

How wonderful that you can find inspiration and joy in every corner you orner you look. You are so right about money and fame. I like being 'poor' and damn it (i never thought of it until you said so) but the smallest things make us overjoyed. Thank you for being a witness to our every step... Gabi

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