Friday, September 30

Oh Shit! A Snake!

As of a few days ago, we were living in a cabana in Northern Panama and GABI SAW A SNAKE AND IT SCARED HER TO DEATH. (For the record, of the colorful list of things that Gabi is scared of snakes is very high up there.)The attached pictures reflect Kobi's [actual] bravery in searching for the serpent; while I stand on a chair and scream when he pulls up a black sock from the shrubbery. The later pictures reflect my decision to be brave [theoretically] after Kobi has left and I have an e-book to finish. And (the best of last) the video shows Gabi seconds after she has seen the snake and quite freaking out!
This fear is usually dormant, even when we are hiking through tropical rain forests and mountain trails. (Of course, it does flair up every single time I have to go in nature but doesn't everyone get nervous that something may bite them when their pants are down?) Ok, maybe it's just me. At any rate, being that this is my fourth snake on our nomadic family voyage so far; being that I saw him slither from the vine on the roof into the shrubbery; I am legitimately freaked.

Gabi (that's me; the scared little wife) calls Kobi (the brave big husband) who is in the area doing errands with the kids. Kobi comes machete and bamboo stick ready to find Gabi's four-foot, garden-hose-thick black friend. After doing a nice job trimming the shrubbery; Kobi departs, and I, become a fearless (I'm lying) Zena armed with Orazi's (son) half-made sling shot, machete, and bamboo stick. (Look how family travel brings out our super powers.)I am sending in the last touches on the forth e-book to come out in October and no reptile is gonna stop me.



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