Saturday, June 18

Sonia and Don Jose Ramon

Living on a secluded ranch, off a dirt road in La Lucha de la Tigra Costa Rica was our first nomadic family Latin American immersion. We dedicate this entry to all the magic and love that Don Jose Ramon and Sonia brought to our lives in those weeks.
When Kobi and Dahnya were gone for two weeks, they were there for us. They invited us over to dinner, celebrated Shabbath dinner with us, and helped us (with buckets and cups) get the dining-room-turned-river under control under a fierce rain storm. Looking back, I can't tell you how much I miss them both. They got internet just for us, but to be honest, a few words here and there online is not the same as living and breathing with them on the ranch.
Here, sonia, our dear neighbor and friend and grandmother serves us chicken soup from a chicken killed on the farm the day before. She explains all the rich veggies in the soup, most of which i can't even pronounce. delish!!

Sonia invited us to their home. We thought we were coming to see them kill a chicken (which we plan to do this next week). We walked in and saw the table set for us. Sonia made delicious chicken soup from a chicken she had killed that day.

Here our lovely Sonia plays with the chicken leg.... ahhhh! I love meat but its hard for me when I recognize the animal. so, chicken leg (complete with nails) was a bit challenging for me. The soup was amazing.

Sonia pulled out some jacks from her spare bedroom. Here Jose Ramon and the kids play for the first time. Later, Sonia cuts the jacks so that they will fit better into the kids' hands and Jose Ramon won't have such an advantage over them. She's so cool that way!


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